Hintanoi - Wabi
merz0043 - Jun 2009

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This is a record of undefined melodies that mixes the marginally expressed jazz with modernism in its minimal form.  It is of a rare and inestimable beauty.
Giovanni Di Domenico is an Italian with strong connections to Portugal, having already played a few times in the country. From that experience lasted an unique relation with the remarkable drums player, João Lobo, with whom he shares musical experiences throughout Europe.

01. The Mad's Dawn
02. Ghibli
03. Flesh
04. Cities and Silence
05. To Be Or Nor To Be
06. De-Lirare
07. Crossing Something as it Comes
08. Luce Spezzata
09. Tsukiji
10. Fechar o Piano com Chave de Ouro

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All music and sounds conceived by Giovanni di Domenico. All instruments by Giovanni di Domenico except on tracks 3 and 6 Ananta Roosens on Violin.